"We always thought it would be cheaper to milk in a parlour but in the long run, we always had a hired man, now we don’t. We’re working everything with just family and they just cover for us on the odd weekend. It’s always when you go away something comes up, and it’s probably nothing big but it’s just my mom and dad and they’ve never dealt with it before so they call us for anything. Being able to call the 24-hour service line is great, you can easily follow directions on the phone which I find helpful!"

"We were getting tired, so we had to do something. We had 1 full time, 1 part time employee and our son would be home a lot to help out. Now with the robots, we have no one on the payroll. When we’re in the barn now, we enjoy it. We were really worried before the start up until we put the cows through the robots two days beforehand. As soon as we had them through on training mode, we knew it was going to work! It was phenomenal! By the 6th day we were milking in the robot I said “I may as well go skiing”, I booked a trip and was gone within three weeks. We say all the time that we got our life back!"

"Since we put the robot in, we fill more quota with the same number of cows. We went from 30L to 39-40L average with good components. I used to be in the barn 7 hours a day and now it is closer to 3, and it’s more managing, not physical work. The nice thing about milking with the robot is how quiet the cows are. They can do whatever they want to do. Now cows stay around longer than in the tie stall barn because they can move around and it’s better for their feet and legs. I think it’s better for the cows and it keeps me young."

"The support and service has been excellent. It’s overwhelming what you have to learn and figure out in the beginning so it’s really important to have that communication whether they stop in or over the phone. Robyn (Farm Management Support) was excellent at explaining things and it didn’t matter if you asked the question twenty times. Service is important, it’s really easy to buy a product this day and age but you have to have the support along with it."

"It’s safe to say there is never a shortage of work on a dairy farm, and for us milking the cows was our highest priority and there was never any time to compromise. Since we have our Lely robot doing the milking for us, we’re able to spend time doing all the other jobs that are necessary to manage a dairy farm well. The other really cool thing about it is the fresh cows and high producers have the freedom to go whenever they want, so that they can really perform the way they should be."

"“My transition to Lely A5 robots has given me so much satisfaction and excitement that I need to share some things that have exceeded my expectation!
The teat cup attachment is totally incredible! Most days over 99% of my herd attaches right away and the cups are always clean as they never touch the floor.
Because of the I-flow design, the cows are very comfortable and enter willingly. I now no longer need to fetch cows to get them milked!
My cow visits have gone up considerably, which means more milk with less cows.
I couldn’t have asked for better results, and I can rest knowing my cows are milked any time of the day or night.
Congratulations Grand River Robotics!”"